
International Festival<br>on Afro-Brazilian Culture

A different, dynamic, social, supportive and vindictive meeting around the culture of the drum, in particular with regard to the culture of the Afro blocos of Salvador de Bahía and the phenomenon represented by batucadas and percussion groups around This culture, both inside and outside of Brazil, is now spread throughout the world, being used to cover different social aspects and acting as a dynamic and integrating element through cooperative learning, fostering associationism and favoring interpersonal relationships, communication, the feeling of group belonging, personal development, equality and social integration in the broadest sense.

A declaration of intent

Arerê, within the regionalism of Bahia, is used to define a festive event, (festa o folia unbridled), it is also used to refer to a tumultuous situation, confusion or discussion/fight (Briga). Today millions of people around the world take to the streets armed with a drum, yes armed, because the act of playing a drum has been, is and will always be a declaration of intent, a tool for integration and communication, a transgressive element and transmitter of social opinion, emotions, feelings, healing, group belonging, messenger of protests and demands, of war and peace, witness of the sorrows and glories that have been transmitted through of this since the beginning of humanity.

A worldwide phenomenon

For all this and for many more reasons we believe in the importance and respect that should be attributed to the drum, we are convinced of the potential of our collective and the repercussion that this event will have on it, therefore, we are excited to to be able to share this space in which we will treat in an integral way everything that involves the percussive culture of the Afro blocos of Bahia and its practice. We believe that the expansion that this phenomenon has caused throughout the world requires a general introspective on issues as important and at the same time as diverse and differentiating as: cultural, political, religious, social, economic and/or racial, to name a few. of them, must be treated and discussed by the entire group to achieve and/or avoid incurring future conflicts and disagreements in terms as tricky as for example: cultural appropriation, the use of religious symbology or the characterization of a foreign culture, examples that well deserves a dialogue between the different actors.

Learning and development

We have already set up a human team that works to integrate into this event different activities related to each and every one of the aforementioned aspects so that together we can participate in learning and personal development in all these issues, for this build a stronger, more egalitarian, integrating and supportive collective to weave through this national and intercontinental cooperation and collaboration networks.

Master classes

Also the teaching and learning not only of these aspects, but of those musical, rhythmic elements, patterns, keys and different types of performances that exist and other newer ones, the traditional orchestration of these groups and the rhythmic variants and designs The most current ones will play an important role in our festival, dedicating a large part to learning through workshops and master classes given by great national and international references, Mestres, Maestrinhas, teachers, facilitators, and workshop leaders.

Gastronomy, leisure and fun

Because we know how much you like a sarao, this event will not lack concerts, exhibitions, parades and competitions that will make your participation in this festival a 360 experience.

Ondara, a privileged place

ARERÊ FEST is held in Ondara, a town of around seven thousand inhabitants, located in the north of the province of Alicante, in the paradisiacal region of La Marina Alta in the Valencian Country, Spain. Ondara is located just 4km from the coast, with a Mediterranean climate, mild winters and hot summers, and an average temperature of 18°C ​​throughout the year.

See location


For your stay during the festival we recommend and offer you different accommodation alternatives, both paid and free.

See accommodation

Online store of percussion instruments

Access our online store of percussion instruments specialized in batucadas. Immerse yourself in the rhythm and energy of percussion with our wide selection of instruments designed to take your musical experience to the next level. From surdos and repiniques to tumbaims and agogôs, we offer a variety of authentic, high-quality instruments to meet all your batucada needs


Access to online shop


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